Monday, September 8, 2014

Watch This: Real Housewives of Melbourne

Are the current catfights of all the different Real Housewife Tribes across America getting a bit old to you?  Even when they bring in new ladies into the mix, it's still lacks the freshness of the first few seasons. I'm over Vicki in Orange County and am afraid of Ramona in NYC cause all they do is yell at people. Ok, well, I will never tire of Teresa and Melissa from New Jersey, but Teresa's probably going to jail, so she's not going to be around for much longer to enjoy.

If your answer to my aforementioned question was "yes" than do I have a gift for you? A gift from down under (no not my panties). It's The Real Housewives of Melbourne and they are amazing. They are a caricature of the American Real Housewives- only sparklier, more botoxed, more made-up, and with cute accents and I love them so much. The ladies still backstab and side eye each other, like true ladies do, but it's all just much more fun. They don't really have much going on, but like to have parties so that they can create drama that will make for good television. One girl's a psychic who's married to a world famous rockstar (read: drummer from Silverchair) and has created a catchphrase "shine shine shine" which doesn't make sense for about 75% of the context in which she uses it. Another girl is an uptight business woman married to a plastic surgeon (and befittingly has the worst appearing skin and plastic surgery of the bunch). They are all super-botoxed and all confess a deep love of shopping for expensive things and drinking champagne. What's not to love about these women?

My favorite character is Gina. She's a barrister and she will remind you several times that it's her job to seek the truth so she's telling the truth with her truthiness and can detect non-truths cause she's a barrister. She also thinks that psychics are demonic. And she wears a touch too much make-up. And she will cut you...with the truth.

Read This: Eleanor and Park

Have you read this book yet? It's certainly not a new release, it came out in 2013 and Dreamworks has already bought the rights to make it into a movie with the author, Rainbow Rowell, as the screenwriter. I'm not really into the young adult genre. I didn't looooove the Hunger Games and have never read the Divergent series. But this one is different. It takes place in 1980's Omaha and features two high school students who fall in love on the school bus. Eleanor is a chubby redhead from a very dysfunctional, low income, domestic abuse-riddled family who is the new kid at school. She sits with Park, a half-Korean loner who loves comics and punk music and is at odds with his machismo, tough-guy father, on the bus. Slowly they bond over comic books and music and eventually fall in love. It's the sweetest book. Rowell makes you feel like you are 16 again and you are falling in love again for the first time with her language and descriptions and avoidance of cliches. I devoured this book and mourned its ending. You should too!