Sunday, March 4, 2018

Worst Dress

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. This is not a dress that an Oscar nominee wears. This is a dress that a C list singer wears to the Grammy's. An Oscar nominee has one job on Oscar night. Your only job is to look fabulous...that's it. This dress is heinous. First off the color- my favorite dress was brilliant pink. This dress is depressing pink. Looking at it makes me sad. It's the color of the inside of a colon.

Secondly, the dress doesn't fit her boobs. It's being pulled down by that ginormous, heavy bow in the back. I bet she was tugging on that dress all night. There's no excuse for a dress that doesn't fit when you are an Oscar nominee. Again, you have ONE JOB!

It's obvious that Saoirse was trying to dress outside the box and not play it safe and I will give her credit for that, but this dress was the wrong choice. Her joyless face makes me think that she may agree.

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