Sunday, January 6, 2019

Pretty on the top, Lazy on the bottom

On first gaze, Julia Roberts looks like the glowing movie star powerhouse that she is with her bright smile, blonde waves, and soft pink, gauzy off the shoulder top. Pan out and she's paired it all with black pants. I think I have Athleta pants that look similar to hers. How amazing would she have looked if that soft pink mullet skirt was a full skirt? She would have looked so ethereal and would have been my top 5 for sure (first place if she put on some brighter lipstick). I know she wasn't there as a nominee and was trying to be low key, but she's Julia Roberts...there is nothing low key about Julia Roberts...please show up as the biggest movie star of my generation, please? Thanks.

Best Dressed

Patricia Clarkson is radiant. Her joy was seeping out of her and into that beautiful dress last night. I felt "meh" when I saw it in pictures, but on camera it was so much more vibrant and coral and gorgeous!!! I love her bright lip and soft wavy blonde hair. She has so much life in her smile and eyes and she's simply glowing. I also love the sparkly peekaboo on top. It's such a fantastic, unique dress and it's why she deserves the best dressed award.

It's funny, I don't really know anything that she has been in and the number one thing I remember her for is the Adam Samberg/Justin Timberlake song "Mother Lover" on SNL. She played one of the mothers.

Most Frightening Golden Globes Attendee

Rosamund Pike will cut a bitch if you cross her. She didn't play Amazing Amy on Gone Girl...she became her. Gah, she give me chills.

I love her little capelet/coat though, super cute. 

Best Stars

How great is this dress? I love the color and the stars and Melissa's fresh face. Her skin is TO DIE FOR. She glows from the inside out. Call me, Melissa let's be best friends...bring Amy Poehler and Maya Rudolph too, please! 

Worst Dressed

Here are the reasons that Gina Rodriquez is my worst dressed of 2019 Golden Globes

1. That first pose. You are not a bat, please stop acting like one.
2. Ice blue color. Bleh.
3. Deep V with no boob support
4. Horrible makeup.
5. Gina is a young, modern woman, yet dressed like a Palm Beach housewife on her way to bed in the 1950s.

Best Breasts

Halle Berry's breasts defy physics, human physiology, time- Those breasts are 52 years old, but they are so perky and perfect. They may have been kissed by a surgeon's scalpel, but I don't care, because they are so well done it's impossible to tell. Let's all raise a toast to Halle's Boobies!!!! Here Here!!

Best Gold

100% sure I say this every year, but Felicity Huffman is a hot piece of ass. She's 56 and looks hotter and hotter every year. I feel like every year I do a double take when she's presenting and ask myself "Who dat?!" and then I realize it's her and it makes me so happy. She's a golden goddess with her beachy waves and gold beaded dress. She's in my top 5 of the night.

Couple I'm Most Likely to Fantasize Doing It

Call me a creep, but I couldn't help think/fantasize about Idris Elba and Taylor Swift going back to a hotel and ravaging each other after the Golden Globes. Quite frankly, Idris Elba could be presenting with Elmo and I'd still fantasize about the two of them heading back to the hotel after the show...

Try to unsee Idris and Elmo doing sexay's impossible.

Best Frayed Doily

I don't love this dress. If it were a jewel tone like deep aubergine it would be great, but in that taupey gray (that I only associate with dead bodies) it is no bueno. That dress looks like it was a white doily that went into the wash with dark clothes that bled and then the washing machine frayed half the edge. This hits close to home because I'm horrible at doing laundry and turn all of my white clothes the color of her dress. Add to it that her make up makes look anemic and sad. It's a bust.

Girl- you are Mary MF Poppins...jazz it up a bit! No more nudes!!!

Saddest Rosette

I've never considered a velvet rosette as sad, but Catriona Balfe's sure is. It's saggy and lonely and really has no point other than to weigh down Catriona's breasts with its heavy velvetiness. I want to chop that rosette right off that dress and tickle it in hopes to cheer it up. Tickling makes everyone happy.

Anne Is Wearing Animal Print

I can't say if this was a best or worst dress for me. I am the number one proponent for animal prints. Look it up, you will find my face attached to a cheetah's body. At first I hated the dress. Then I stared at it for a while and it started to grow on me- I like the off the shoulder sleeves and the full skirt. Perhaps, it would have been better without the shiny detail on top...or if the entire top was shiny. The weird triangles under her boobs are distracting. And she definitely needs a red lip. You can't wear leopard print with a nude lip...I should know, because I wrote the Handbook on How to Wear Animal Prints.

Best Disco Ball

Thandie Newton came to PARTY!!! She is hot AF, right?!!? I love this dress and it was my best dressed until I saw another dress on stage. I love her big hair, the structure of the dress, the cut outs, the sequins, her makeup...everything. Thandie knows how to bring it year after year. Love her.

Best/Worst Hanger Oner

Heidi Klum was at the Golden Globes, I guess for project runway, which hasn't been on the air for like 27 months. She also recently got engaged. Her new fiance whom we will call "The Most Annoying Plus One On God's Great Earth" would not get the F out of the shot for her to be photographed alone. Every photo on Getty Images has him in it. Every. Single. One. It's not that she looks that great, and quite frankly, I was going to complain in this post that she looks like a corpse bride, but he totally distracted me from my disdain of her horrible makeup coupled with ugly/giant dress. Burn in hell The Most Annoying Plus One On God's Great Earth" and take that awful dress and Heidi's make up artist with you.

Best Pink

Regina King is a rosy vision. I loved her message in her acceptance speech. I love how excited her son was and that he almost pulled that gorgeous dress right off her with his joy. She looks amazing in that dress.

Worst Tailoring

I love the concept of this dress- the color and the fireworks on the skirt. But that's it. The dress looks like little girl Claire Foy is wearing her mom's fancy nightgown to play dress up. It is so ill-fitting in the chest, particularly under her arms. If it had a structured bust it'd be so much better on her tiny frame. I'm adding some pics of Claire from another red carpet because with that red lip, slicked hair, and black suit she looks like a boss bitch!!!

Best Prevention of Malaria

I love what is happening underneath all of that mosquito netting on Lucy Liu's dress. It may just be my favorite dress it it wasn't preparing itself for a safari.

Best Use of White

Jamie Lee Curtis!!! My god she is smoking hot!! That white dress, white hair, white hot bod. All that Activia Yogurt she's been eating has been paying off!!! I'm blown away at how good she looks.

When pretty girls become drug addicts

I call this look: "That girl who was hot in high school but got into blow and it became a big problem comes back to chaperone the prom" **Ed note: I don't know if Amber Heard is a drug addict, but she sure looks like one.

Best Cape

Glenn Close doesn't need to diet for the Golden Globes, nope...she just pulls on her amazing cape dress, ties the bedazzled bow at her neck, and she's out the door. Brilliant.

Best Fraggle Princess

Oh Lady Gaga- I love you so. I love your blue hair, your ginormous sleeves, your dress that matches your amazing blue hair like the Fraggle Princess that you are, your giant diamonds, and your ON FLEEK brows. You are so very very extra and it's my favorite.

Best Use of a Land's End Bathing Suit

When you have kids you suddenly have breasts that want to kiss your navel and it takes a special kind of NASA engineering to hoist those suckers back where they originated. Land's End has the market cornered in "Middle Class Summertime Breast Hoisting". One of the tricks Land's End employs is a criss-cross rouching across the chest...just like Rachel Brosnanhan's dress...except she has perky nulliparous breasts. So I'm going to assume that she is paying homage to all the middle class breast owners who watch her show and make it successful. We see you, Rachel...we see you!!!

Worst highlights, Best dress

That dress, that body...Nicole never fails me! She was my Oscar Best Dress winner and is tops for me this year too...though not #1. Maybe she'd be number one, if she'd stop hanging out with Captain Highlights. What the ever loving hell?!?! It's 2019, Keith Urban put the MF flat iron down and just get a haircut that's short on the sides and the top. It's not that hard, any barber in the world can do it. Nice person...bad hair.

My Person

Sandra Oh looks like an Old Hollywood goddess. I love her hair, her makeup, and that billowy Greek Goddess dress. Yes to all of it. She is my person 100%

Bottom of the D-List

Whelp, I'm gonna start on a snarky level tonight for good old times. I have all night for positivity.

When you're a D-list celebrity, you get the dregs of the dress pickings. What happens when you are on the bottom of the D-list and married to a retired and already forgotten about NFL quarterback? You get the dregs of the dress and the weave selection...and quite frankly, the dregs of the spray tan girl and make up artist selection too. Woof!! Why do her sleeves cover her hands? Is it sexy to show your side boob, but cover up your knuckles? It's only 7:25 and this dress is already on my least favorite list...congrats, Kristin Cavallari, you finally topped a list!!

PopCrush is Back!!!!

Welcome back!!! It's been almost 1 year since PopCrush went dark, but I can't stay way during awards season. Sorta like how Lindsay Lohan can't stay away from her pimp, Meghan Markle can't stay away from poorly fitted, designer clothes, and Donald Trump can't stay away from Twitter. I'm here all night, dishing about all celebrity fashion and the highs and lows of the Golden Globes. Keep checking back!!