Sunday, January 6, 2019

Best/Worst Hanger Oner

Heidi Klum was at the Golden Globes, I guess for project runway, which hasn't been on the air for like 27 months. She also recently got engaged. Her new fiance whom we will call "The Most Annoying Plus One On God's Great Earth" would not get the F out of the shot for her to be photographed alone. Every photo on Getty Images has him in it. Every. Single. One. It's not that she looks that great, and quite frankly, I was going to complain in this post that she looks like a corpse bride, but he totally distracted me from my disdain of her horrible makeup coupled with ugly/giant dress. Burn in hell The Most Annoying Plus One On God's Great Earth" and take that awful dress and Heidi's make up artist with you.

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