Thursday, December 8, 2016

Jennifer Aniston has a fantastic plastic surgeon!

Jennifer Aniston is 47. You may not want to believe this but her face is full of fillers and botox. I know this because Jennifer Aniston loves two things: sunbathing and cigarettes. Neither of those joys keeps your face looking young. Not all the retinol in the world can fix that.

Nope, Jenny has a plastic surgeon and a damn good one at that. It takes a skilled artisan to keep a lady looking as fresh as a daisy without making her look like a character for The Dark Crystal (Jim Henson's puppet interpretation of people who've had too much botox and plastic surgery). Jennifer has to look at the product of a plastic surgeon with a heavy hand every time she hangs out with her bestie, Courtney Cox...who is a prime example of someone who has f'd up her face royally. Though I think she's cooled it a bit, because her lips have relaxed a little and her face, it still looks like it hurts her to smile...

Jennifer's boobs are pert, her abs are tight, and her skin is smooth. She's pushing 50 and looks better than most 25 year-olds. I would happily have whatever is being injected in her face if it were offered to me for free...Snake venom? yes. Pureed platypus pancreas? I'll take 50cc please. Donald Trump's ball sweat? I may pause for a moment, but if it were sterilized..and free..and would make me look like that at 47...then....sure, what the heck, I'm vain.

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