Friday, December 2, 2016

That's not weird or anything...

Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher had a baby boy on November 30th. This week they announced his birth and his name: Dimitri Portwood Kutcher. Dimitri is a nice Russian sounding name, paying homage to Mila's Russian roots. What is puzzling about the name is that it a male derivative of Demetria, which happens to be the the real name of Ashton's ex-wife, Demi Moore. Is it a thing to name your kid after your ex-wife? Is this to make it up to her for cheating on her with a college chick in a hot tub? It took me all of 10 seconds to draw the line from Dimitri to Demi Moore and I'm no Sherlock Holmes. Ashton is either super dense, super self-invovled, or a super douche to not notice/care that he named his kid after his ex-wife. I'm gonna go on a limb and say that he's a nice mixture of all of the above.

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