Sunday, October 9, 2016

Hairplugs for men

It's actually been a bit of a slow celebrity week. Donald Trump has been sucking all of the energy out of the internet with his tomfoolery. Since your facebook feeds are likely overflowing with Trump news, I'll refrain here.

Fox Sports commentator, Joe Buck, wrote an autobiography, because everyone is dying to know about the life of Joe Buck. Apparently the most salacious and exciting parts of his life was when he was addicted to hair plugs. Hair plugs? What? Interest piqued. Old Joe was afraid of looking old on TV, so at the ripe old age of 24 he started secretly getting hair plugs. In 2011, after his 8th procedure, he suffered vocal cord paralysis from nerve damage during surgery. The anticlimactic end of the story is that he got some steroid injections and his voice came back. Horray, his job is saved!!!

It's must be so hard to be a white man on television with all the pressure to stay looking young. They have to put their lives on the line to undergo procedures to keep their youthful appearances so they can keep their jobs. And not to mention the pressure they must be under to keep making $0.30 on the dollar more than women. So much stress for these men that my heart hurts for them.

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