Friday, October 21, 2016

The Next Angelina Jolie

Sweet lord there is so much to say, but much of it has been said already by Michael K at dlisted. CLICK HERE to link over there, you will not be disappointed. Briefly, Lindsay is now living in Turkey...or Greece...It's not clear where she lives. She has a nightclub in Greece, but talks about Turkey like it's her home. She has set out to help the Syrian refugees in Turkey by giving them free samples of her new organic health drinks. They will then be directed to their local Whole Foods to purchase more should they ever become thirsty again. You see guys, Lindsay knows ALL about religious persecution, because this one time she was walking down the street in New York and carrying the Koran and people were really mean and horrible to her. So she moved to Turkey where everyone is nice and women are free. Lindsay's borderline personality is so strong that she can even split countries- I love you Turkey, I hate you US. Trust me...she'll be back.

The above video is a paiiinnnfffulllll interview of a very self-serious Lindsay who looks and sounds like she sleeps in an ashtray. She also seems to be working her "White female playing a Middle Eastern female in a high school play" accent hard.  I made it as far as 1:59 before I stopped. A Deepak Chopra name drop does it to me every time.

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